Nasty Biznis-Carimi

Nasty Biznis
Bagay yo changé

[Verse 1]
Zanmi ke'w te gen jodi
Se pa yo ke'w gen demen
Se yo ki gen tan maske
Sitou le zafe'w ap mache
Choisi route hypocrisie
Pran rouli nan taxi manti
Pare pou yo boykote'w
Pou yo se sak kompetition

[Verse 2]
Monchè manman'm te di'm sa
Pou fè mizik fo'w dòmi ta
E fò'w leve bonè pou korespon ak atoufè
Depi'm antre nan bizni
Zanmi'm te genyen yo ban'm do
Yo pa vle kolabore, pou met konpa yon lot nivo

You know what, I don't give a danm!!!

Fanatik ki devan yo go
Fanatik ki dèyè yo go
Fanatik Carimi pran position nou,
Pou kisa, pou tèt sa

Everybody, throw your hands up
Until the sun comes up
We're gonna shake shake shake this place up
We're gonna bounce and bounce and bounce

Pa shoote, pase li, pas shoote, pase li
Give them a run, A me say give them a run

Give me a C Common
Give me an A it's gonna happen anyway
Give me an R right right get out my car
Give me an I Wayayay
Give me an M you big mother.shut your mouth
Give me an I wayayayayaya

Nasty biznis put your hands up
Nasty biznis get your groove on
Nasty biznis put your hands up

You can run to the left you can run to the right
We’re Carimi you big mother
You can't hide
You can run to the left you can run to the right


Carimi sa'a ou paka kimbe'l
Ou te mèt leve ko'w frape'l a tè
Carimi sa'a ou paka kimbe'l
Gade monchè ou te met kraze brize
Carimi sa'a ou paka kimbe'l
Ou te mèt fè tout sa ou vle
Carimi sa'a ou paka kimbe'l
Poukisa, pou tèt sa

You can run the left, you can run the right
Kité mwen déposé

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