
Featuring-Wyclef Jean
[Verse 1]
Li te yon bel ti fi
Li se definition bel ti fi
Ak intelijans san rans li te gon bel fiti
Lanmou se sansation ki travesew kou lew piti
Ou te met gen gro kolè ou met kwèm lanmou ka fel piti
Jen gason pran filel nan sal pat gen experians
Introduil nan tout vye rans
Decisionl sou esperans
Woahh!! So li la ap appran la vie
Komanse devye tout moun peut etre ki ta ka bal avi
So la peine
Sil diw li petion ville pandanl la plene
Manmanl fin dekourage oui bagay sa menm la penn
Yon ti flanne prochel san ezitel mandel coeurl
Li di oui men au fond tout moun te ka we ke li peul
So baby girl
San ezite oui l te lage kò li
Li menm rive nan yon point oui l'abandone lecole li
Li te fel promes dil jamais li pap kitel poukol li
Dejas sa fè yon semaine misye ignore tout call li

Someone please call Nine-1-One (pick up the phone, Yo),
Tell them I've just been shot down,
And the bullet's in my heart.
And it's piercing through my soul (I'm losing blood, ya'll);
Feel my body getting cold (so cold, so cold).
Someone, please call Nine-1-One (pick up the phone).
The alleged asailant is five foot one,
And she shot me through my soul.
Feel my body getting cold...

[Verse 2]
Malheureusement lè coeur'w brize ou paka kolel ak crazy glue
Li te vreman damou e misye te fel kwe kel crazy'l tou
Kounya tout bon moman yo ret grave nan memory
Manmanl te dil fe atansyon pa fe pratic san theory
Raplel leu misye te di l'anvil
15mn sex te assez pou prouve janl feel
Prouve lakseptel nan vil
Yo di relasyon son pwa lou fow kon jan pou potel
Li te bal coeur'l men misye tabandonel non chanm hotel
Men a la tray
Kounyal baby girl pa ka al lakay
Kisam pral di ?
Kisam pral fè?
Oh bon dieu A la tray
Le se krim lanmou pa gen mwayen rele nan leta
Loblige reziyel paske regle li te 3 mwa an retard