Di Mwen-Phyllisia Ross

la la lala hmm

You know you always di mwen
Give me a million reasons to stay
since my world has been upside down
You still make me feel special
Something I never felt before
You see me and I see you
Never knew a love so true
Let me be exactly who I am

Di mwen
Di mwen w ap rete
Di mwen
Ou pap janm lage m

If you’re the moon and I'm your sky
tell me that you'll never leave my sight
Di mwen (4x)

Sa pa enterese m lè moun pale
Mwen pito konnen ki moun ou ye
Lè lavi tap ban m traka
you still make me feel special
Something I never felt before
ou oh...

ou wè mwen e mwen wè ou
Never knew a love so true
Let me be exactly who I am

Di mwen ...
Di mwen wap rete
Di mwen
Ou pap janm lage m

if you the moon and i'm your star
tell me that you'll never leave my sight
Di mwen (4x)

Don't say it in words
show me with your heart and loving arms
i can laying too
ki signal ou ka ban mwen
pou w montre'm kijan ou renmen m
renme m

Di mwen ...
Di mwen waprete
Diii mwen
Ou pap janm lage m

if you the moon and I'm your sky
(your sky)
tell me that you'll never leave
Di mwen (4x)