Who Is Joé Dwèt Filé


Joé Dwèt Filé dropped his debut À Deux last week and sold out his first-ever concert at La Cigale.

Is it all hype? Short answer: no.

Long answer? Here's how @JoeDwetFile became one of the hottest acts in France. Thread.


Best Lines This Week

This week our users added some great songs on WikiMizik. Here are a few lines that we found ourselves reading more than just once. Let's start with Kite'm Ba Ou Love from Frap La, a hot track that talks about his dire need to give this girl some love. In this line he talks about his terrible...


Discover Talie's Debut EP 16 Novembre

Since Nathalie Cerin released her first two studio singles, Ti Nèg Chèlbè and Bèl Tifi, we've been waiting for a complete project from her. It's finally...